
I want candy! (Bomp, ba-bomp, bomp bomp). Start humming your favorite sweet song as you join  Captain Adventure Scrubs on a trip to Candytopia, a quirky museum celebrating all things sweet.  I prefer to hum along to Bow Wow Wow, but go ahead and pick your favorite sweet song before reading on         ( Pour some sugar on me? Sugar sugar? Candy girl?)
A sugar rush of epic proportions  has overtaken San Francisco as Candytopia,  an interactive and Instagram worthy art exhibit opened this week.  With a weakness for chocolate and hoping for free samples, I headed over to Market St to check it out.


Each ticket holder is a given a time their candy themed experience will begin, which helps with crowd control and allows you to move through each area of the exhibit without feeling rushed or cramped. In each room of the exhibit,  art work created entirely from candy is displayed for you to ooh and ahh over. Each art piece has a placard that details the type of candy used, the number of hours needed to complete the project  and how many grams of sugar each installation has.

From portraits of pop stars made of jelly beans, a dragon made of licorice and gummies,  to a swimming pool full of “marshmallows” to dive into, ea h room us guaranteed to bring out your inner child.  Are there free samples you ask?? Yes! Each room offers different candies for you to try. Chocolate truffles,  pixie sticks, tootsie pops, and other goodies await. Did I count these sweet treats as breakfast?? Maybe my friends.  Maybe.

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